I believe the abstract notion of the selection and order is what qualifies for 
protection, but only to the degree it contains something meaningfully original. 
The same applies to text anthologies. But even when there is not much 
originality involved, I would think duplicating someone else's track order 
would normally be seen as not OK. Are you looking for the specifics under 
British law? These matters are not specifically treated as copyright 
everywhere. Oddly, looking at Google, it seems China gets the most links for 
actually referring to a "right of compilation". I believe it also makes a 
difference whether the compilation is made for news or education purposes. But 
many countries handle these things based on detailed regulations rather than 
legal principles.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tim Cowlishaw 
  To: Open Rights Group open discussion list ; UK FreeCulture Discuss List 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:49 AM
  Subject: [fc-uk-discuss] Copyright in compilation albums?

  Hi all,

  Not strictly on-topic, but I was wondering if anyone on here could shed some 
light on a conversation I'm having:

  In the case of a compilation album (eg. 'Greatest Hits of the 60s', 'Now 
That's What I Call Generic Chart Pop 2006') is there a copyright in the 
compilation itself, as well as those that exist in the tracks it uses? 

  And, if so, is this a copyright on the new compilation 'sound recording' as a 
derivative work of the tracks it includes, or a right to the rather more 
abstract notion of the selection and order of those tracks, rather than in any 
specific instance of that selection manifested in a sound recording? 

  any input would be greatly appreciated...




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