
sorry for the delay I was busy and not really checking the group

by default redtamarin does not have the classic flash.net.Socket classes
(it is possible to emulate them but not done yet)

so you would want to use avmplus.Socket class
documented here

here an example implementing a socket policy server

in short, the Socket class impl. in redtamarin allow to do more stuff
but is a bit harder to use

the implementation is very close to the classic BSD socket in C/C++
see http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/

now for the flow, here the 2 best way imho

1) implement the missing libraries from the Flash Platform
    see avmglue

for example
package flash.net
  public class Socket extends EventDispatcher implements IDataInput, 

    private var _sock:avmplus.Socket; //use the full package path

    public function Socket( host:String = null, port:int = 0 )
        _sock = new avmplus.Socket();

    public function connect(host:String, port:int):void
        _sock.connect( host, port );


you would have to do your own wiring for the events
see https://code.google.com/p/redtamarin/wiki/Socket#Callbacks

for ex
package flash.net
  public class Socket extends EventDispatcher implements IDataInput, 

    private var _sock:avmplus.Socket; //use the full package path

    public function Socket( host:String = null, port:int = 0 )
        _sock = new avmplus.Socket();

    private function _onConnect():void
      dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CONNECT ) );

    private function _hookCallbacks():void
      _sock.onConnect = _onConnect;

    public function connect(host:String, port:int):void
        _sock.connect( host, port );


2) use conditional compilation

for example

this allow you to keep the different implementations in the same file
and can be more desirable in some cases


Le lundi 11 mars 2013 20:52:37 UTC, julifos a écrit :
> Hi everyone!
> I'm new to redtamarin.
> I'm trying to bring AS3 code to redtamarin and I must use some libraries 
> which use sockets, http requests and so on. What would be the flow to 
> compile such a code? I already had a hard time making work the "Hellow 
> world" ;-)
> I'm using Flash Builder and a bunch of .as files...
> Thanks in advance!
> jj

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