I am getting in contact with you to inform you of a new Challenge we 
launched a few months ago from Appcircus <http://appcircus.com/>, the Smart 
City App Hack (SCAH).  This challenge, seeking to create apps for Smart 
Cities, has managed to incubate many apps so far related to 5 areas: 
energy, mobility, collaboration, tourism and shopping.

Starting Friday, September 1, and until October 15, we have opened as part 
of the SCAH challenge an online competition for developers around the world 
that can be of your interest, given there are 150.000€ in prizes. This is 
the SCAH - FIWARE <http://fiware.smartcityapphack.com/>, a challenge for 
apps that already include FIWARE 
<https://www.fiware.org/developers-entrepreneurs> technology in their 
architecture, or for those seeking to do this next step and incorporate 
this revolutionary technology with the help of experts through the 
challenge platform. There are big prizes of up to 150K to distribute that 
include acceleration programs, visibility and cash prizes.

All the details of this competition are available in this link 
<http://fiware.smartcityapphack.com/>. Hope that you find this information 
of your interest, we will be glad to see you around in SCAH - FIWARE 

Best regards,

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