On 05/31/2009 05:17 PM, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Rahul Sundaram
> wrote:
>> On 05/31/2009 01:31 PM, Thomas Janssen wrote:
>>> Well, from my point of view, the OP doesn't meant to have a "Welcome
>>> to Fedora" text alone. I think he meant more likely the other stuff.
>>> Like, clickable: "Discover that" , "Get online help here" , "Find
>>> information about whatever there".
>>> And thats not a bad idea. At least it is very new-user-friendly.
>> It has been suggested before and accepted that as a useful idea. Someone
>> needs to take the next step and implement it.
> Which tools would you recommend somebody uses to make this welcome screen?

It would depend on the desktop you are targeting. PyGTK would be trivial
for GNOME and QT for KDE. Xfce has a tips and tricks app that could be
modified. It is also likely that whatever Mint is using already has the
source code available.


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