On 06/05/2009 06:23 AM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> Heya,
> Yesterday, I was browsing Ubuntu's "Blueprints" for their next release,
> and saw this:
> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-gnomescan
> gnome-scan is already packaged by Deji, but I gather that more
> integration work could be done to make setting up and using scanners
> easier in GNOME and Fedora in general.
> Any takers?
> I think a good start would be making a list of problems seen in setting
> up scanners (additional packages required, tweaks), and make sure that
> gnome-scan and the necessary plugins are installed in a default
> installation.

Perhaps we could target some specific scanners on the first attempt? We
might be able to get some hardware donated to the effort.

~spot, who has several scanners of varying age and quality in a box

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