Have you ever wanted to give your perspective on how well the Fedora development and release process works, but weren't sure where to do it?

Now you have the perfect opportunity! For Fedora 11 we are having a project wide conference all to reflect on the good and not so good parts of the Fedora 11 development cycle.

There are two ways to get involved:
1) Contact your team lead to see if you can attend as the additional person from your team
2) Add your name to the list of lottery participants for a chance to be one of the five people randomly selected.

But wait, there is more! We are extending the cut-off date for the lottery to Sunday. Here's a little tip between you and me... as of the time of this email your chances of wining are 100% (okay, not exactly, but right now nobody else is signed and if that doesn't change, then you are on easy street! ;-)

Sign-up details are here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Retrospective#Lottery

Hope to see you there,

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