On 09/08/2009 01:50 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Le mardi 08 septembre 2009 à 09:11 +0800, Yuan Yijun a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> The package wine-fonts is not mentioned, why?
> Excellent question, it certainly should have been, and I have no idea
> why. Maybe it was not present in the source repo I used¹ when the test
> was run ? Otherwise repoquery may have a bug somewhere
>> BTW is the name "tahoma" a trademark?
> It certainly is, but sine IIRC some badly written windows app crash
> directly if some specific windows fonts are not present, I suppose it
> made it as part of the windows ABI. You should ask spot for an opinion.

Well, you can leave the filename as is, as the file name itself doesn't
infringe on the trademark, but the internal name is "WineTahoma", which
does infringe and should be changed. This shouldn't affect the purpose
of this font. Please block this bug against FE-Legal?


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