Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Thanks for everyone's help to get my FDS server running in SSL mode.

I have another problem:

I'm trying to setup PassSync, and I have got to the point whwre I can run
ldapsearch over SSL to talk to AD.

I'm trying to setup the sync agreement but cannot change the suppliers
port from 389 to 636.

Does the admin console need to run in SSL mode in order to do this?

If I run the admin console in SSL mode, then will the suppliers port
change to 636? The suppliers field cannot be edited.
Do not be concerned with the suppliers port number. It is just using that to identify the supplier instance. All communication for the agreement is going in one direction (from FDS -> AD), so the supplier isn't using the port it listens on anyway. When you install PassSync.msi on your AD box, you will need to point it at port 636 of your supplier.




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