
The fonts SIG packaging policy was approved by FPC today. Next week
FESCO is expected to ratify the document and make it an official binding
Fedora policy.


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De: Jason L Tibbitts III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Répondre à: Development discussions related to Fedora 
Sujet: Summary of the 2007-11-20 Packaging Committee meeting
Date: 20 Nov 2007 14:02:25 -0600

Meeting minutes and full logs of the packaging committee meeting which
occurred on 2007-11-20 are online:


Executive summary:

No new guidelines this week.

Issues pending FESCO ratification:
 * Policy for font packages:
 * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/FontsPolicy
  * Accepted (with changes) (5-0)
  * Voting for: spot rdieter abadger1999 scop tibbs
  * Abstaining: racor
  * Some notes:
   * There are components of the proposal which go beyond packaging
     policy and are not considered by FPC.  This includes the
     CompsPolicy document and sections of the draft relating to
     grouping or comps.  These should be discussed by FESCo.
   * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/FontsSpecTemplate
     was approved as part of this proposal with the caveat that the
     scriptlets be prevented from failing.

Misc business:
 * Three volunteers expressed interest in joining the committee; spot
   will poll the membership and we'll decide whether to expand the
   committee or rotate through some members on-list.
 * Next meeting will be December 4th at 17:00UTC.

 - J<

Nicolas Mailhot

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