Le mardi 21 juillet 2009 à 00:30 -0400, Qianqian Fang a écrit :

> when do you want the bitmap format conversion to happen? the sooner
> the better or convert them all together at some point?

I don't think Fedora will want to do the conversion unilaterally. So
that leaves out single-day conversion. It will take a long time to reach
all the upstreams we package PCF fonts from, and to convince them to
change (and then some will probably never move so there will probably be
a "dump remaining pcfs" days).

It will probably also expose a few bugs application-side so they'll have
to be reported and fixed.

If you can make a few upstreams to switch and document the conversion
somewhere I'll be happy to make it an error in the checking switch and
them propose to ban new pcf fonts in Fedora guidelines. Having some
high-visibility projects such as terminus to convert first would be a
good start (I'm pretty sure using opentype features such as locl would
help terminus shed all the optional patches it carries).

Nicolas Mailhot

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