Le Lun 7 décembre 2009 23:55, Mike Waters a écrit :

> I see lots and lots of fonts in Gnome Package Manager that I can
> install. But is it possible to view them without installing them
> first? Is there a web site that shows what they look like?
> I've just spent a long time Googling and searching the Fedora forums,
> etc. for the answer but nothing found.

Right now, not really.
The correct fix would be to enhance packagekit so it displays font previews
(that's what the average user would expect)


(people need to add their voice here or it will remain an obscure RFE few
people asked for)

A manpower-heavy short-term workaround would be for someone to generate
previews for all the fonts and add them to the Fedora wiki

Nicolas Mailhot

Fedora-fonts-list mailing list

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