I noticed that for Fedora Core 4 the latest rpm release of openssl available
is openssl-0.9.7f-7.10.i386.rpm
.rpm> . 

However, has the source for openssl-0.9.8d.tar.gz
I have a machine available to test and/or create an updated rpm. 
The architecture:
# uname -a
Linux webtools 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005 i686 athlon
i386 GNU/Linux

I have already built this release from source and would be willing to
package it or assist someone else in packaging it, or testing. If someone is
already working on it and doesn't need any help, then that is fine also.
This would be my first contribution to Fedora, so hopefully someone on this
list can tell me what to do next.


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