Hello to all of you!

First; please excuse my bad english, I really do give my best... ;-)

Here's my problem:

I've got an older pc (Asus Cusi-M) 
with Celeron(1100MHz),
500MB RAM.
As I tried to boot the installation-dvd (which works with nearly every
other distribution, e.g.ubuntu does and is installed) it hanging
directly after starting isolinux. it shows me a boot> prompt and wants
to know the kernels name. It also says for normal installation, I only
need to hit return to boot, but nothing happens. not frozen but always
asking-a-new about the kernel stuff.

So here is my question:

Which are the correct kernel parameters to pass to the live-kernel from
I tried:

vmlinuz0 root=/dev/ram0

but thats not enough info I guess... It reacts with a
kernel-panic-message, no root was found (or sth.like.that) and displays
16 ram-adresses in a table (/ram0 to /ram15).

Does anyone know, what to do?

I can add, that my mainboard has always problems with booting bigger
devices. For a linux-installation (of every kind) I need to install an a
seperate boot-partition (not more than 8000MiB harddisk is allowed by
bios). and root on another partition. So I think there's nothing I can
do about this bios-outdate-problem. But if I can pass the right
boot-parameters to the live-kernel, I believe it should work...

So, thank you very much for taking the time, and maybe someone can help
me. Thx

Have a good time

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