Dan Thurman wrote:
Kevin J. Cummings wrote:

Dan Thurman wrote:
> I got the swf player to work in F8 but I am unable
> to get the player to work in F9 Firefox 3.0.
> I noticed that the underlying player is swfdec 0.6.0, but
> when I checked on F8, it is adobe's Flash.  Why is it
> that I cannot seem to replace swfdec for adobe?  And
> yes, I tried Firefox's edit->preferences->applications and
> selected 'Shockwave Flash' but nothing happened - swfdec
> still appears. And of course, the adobe's flash is installed
> but not macromedia's shockwave, which is not supported.

Is your F9 x86_64 or i386?

i386 (686)

What does your firefox about:plugins page say about which flash plugin is being used?


Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)

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