Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 23 August 2008, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> I am not sure I am reading this correctly - are you building your
>> own kernels, and not using the Fedora ones?
> Yes Mikkel, been doing that for years, probably from about 2 weeks after I 
> installed RH5.1 all those years ago.  I tried the fedora kernel again as a 
> test for something about 2 weeks ago, the test still failed and its scheduler 
> is _still_ broken.  Pauses as long as 5 seconds while it does something else. 
> It got better early in the 2.6.26-rc series and has stayed good.  I usually 
> build and install it about as quick as I see the notice from Linus of a 
> new -rcX patch on lkml.
> I wrote a couple of scripts to unpack and apply the patches and do the 'make 
> oldconfig' (from the previous kernels .config), and another to do the build 
> and install, leaving me with 2 minute session with vim to setup grub.conf and 
> reboot.  Simple, painless, & maintains my local configuration choices.  
> Highly recommended by Dr. Gene. :)
Someone with more knowledge of the differences between the stock
kernel and the Fedora will have to comment on it, but I wounder if
there is an option missing in your compile, or a patch that Fedora
makes, that is giving you problems with Pulse Audio? PA is supposed
to be a user-space daemon but maybe it needs hooks into the kernel
for information, or operation...

I used to build all my own kernels, but lately I have gotten lazy
and used the Fedora kernels, except for a couple of old RedHat
servers and an old Sparc Station II.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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