On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 09:48 -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 20:22:30 -0700
> Russell Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If no one's going to take people seriously when they say they are having 
> > problems with PulseAudio, and people are just going to force PulseAudio 
> > down peoples' throats when it's not working while insisting the problems 
> > are all in the head of the user, well, there's really nothing more to be 
> > said.
> Yea, that's the response to most NetworkManager bugs as well (only its
> usually not the users fault with NetworkManager, it is the fault of
> every single piece of software on the system that accesses the network,
> software which never had any problems with the network service :-).
> Fortunately, as long as "yum erase pulseaudio" gets alsa back the way
> it was, I'm OK. It is just that, given the history of "improvements"
> I wouldn't be surprised to discover fedora 11 embeds pulseaudio
> in the kernel or something where a mere yum erase can't remove it.
> But what I'm still left wondering is the fundamental question: "What
> the devil is the problem people imagine exists which they imagine
> pulseaudio solves?". I can't even get my brain wrapped around the
> motivation for pulseaudio. Simply because it is possible?
> Anyway, I'll keep my stick in the mud web page up to date with
> everything I find about how to disable all the helpful improvements:
> http://home.att.net/~Tom.Horsley/stick.html
You don't seem to care that things like NetworkManager and PulseAudio
are trying to solve userland device control over things that have on
Linux been traditionally root controlled devices/daemons.

Both NetworkManager and PulseAudio are not perfect - in fact, far from
perfect but the need to deliver a user featured desktop system requires
separation of super user and regular user and you can opt out of those
efforts and in fact encourage others to do so but those efforts are
counter productive to the overall goals.


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