On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 11:16 -0500, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > For the first time I noticed that there is a file system on my disk
> > called gvfs-fuse-daemon. It seems to exist concurrently with
> > my /dev/sda3 partition in the same disk space. What is this and what is
> > its significance?
> > 
> I am not sure, but judging by the name, it sounds like the Gnome
> Virtual File System daemon using fuse for mounting. One use for me
> is an encrypted directory - it mounts a file in my home directory on
> a mount point in my home directory. As long as I provide the proper
> pass phrase, it gets mounted, with encryption/decryption handled for me.
> I am not sure, but it might also be used for opening up things like
> zip files, tar archives, etc. It may also handle mounting
> Windows/Samba shares for the user, instead of system mounts.
> This should give you enough to look into it deeper if you are
> interested.
Ok, I don't want to make this too much of a mystery. This I know. It is
the latest replacement for the GNOME-VFS system. It indeed uses fuse for
mouunting. But beyond this I get a bunch of gobbilty gook.

There are commands like gvfs-mkdir and gvfs-mount but I can't get a
handle on how to use them. But I will keep looking. For example, how do
you mount a file in your home directory using the gvfs-fuse daemon?
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three
parts dead. -- Bertrand Russell
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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