On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay,
>    I am starting to do some more advanced automated maintenance on my
> system but can't find a nifty way to do something and was wondering if
> anyone out there can help me with this.  I am configuring my system to
> do an automated backup of all my data (2 to 4 hours per week) but need
> it to do certain things to protect the process.
>    For an unattended process, I need to know how to:
>   1. Force all users currently logged on to be logged off (preferably
>      with at least a 5 minute notice).
>   2. Prevent anyone from logging on.
>   3. Prevent the system from being shut down or rebooted.
>   4. Shut down the X server (speeds up processing time considerably).
>   5. After finished to restart X server and allow shutdown and logins.
>    If anyone knows any commands to do at least some of these, I would
> appreciate knowing how.  The part about shutting down the X server is
> optional but would be nice but not allowing anyone to be logged in and
> preventing system shut down is necessary.
> Bradley

My 0.02 cents.

start by doing man on login, nologin, shutdown, killall etc...

/etc/nologin -- prevents user logins

shutdown -k     Don't really shutdown; only send the warning messages
to everybody.

killall      -u, --user
              Kill  only  processes  the  specified  user owns.
Command names are


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