On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Martin Chen
> Dear officers and Fedora users,
>    I am a newbie to Fedora. I have just bought a HP
> Elitebook 6930p and I have just installed Fedora 9 on
> my new laptop. But Fedora cannot recognize both my
> network card and my wireless network card. There is
> another problem, I can see those icons for my Vista
> partitions(Dual boot) but I cannot access those
> partitions. I know I should first try to find
> documents in the archive but I tried and I cannot find
> since I am a newbie. I have just used Ubuntu for two
> months and now I want to try Fedora with my new
> laptop. Thank you very much.I really appreciate your
> helps
> Martin

Start by finding out what kind of ethernet controller you have:
  > lspci | grep Ethernet

Is there a file named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, and
does it have a flag "ONBOOT=yes" in it?

for the wireless read some man pages:
 > man iwconfig
 > man wireless


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