On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:25 PM, R. G. Newbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Firefox 3 was hanging on certain websites. I downgraded to Fedora 2.0.17. Now when I click on a link in a Thunderbird email I get a box with the error message:
> >
> > Error showing url: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.

>this might help,
>look at the thread titled "cannot follow hyperlinks in thunderbird"

Thanks! That was the needed pointer. The script at /usr/lib/thunderbird-xxxx calls gconftool-2 to get a key /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command which pointed to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox as the executable.

Unfortunately my downgrade to version 2 replaced the /usr/lib/firefox folder with /usr/lib/firefox- and the reference failed.

Creation of a symlink solved the problem.


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