Manish Kathuria wrote:
> For a large installation of Fedora 9 we are cloning an updated system
> on identical hard disks and then using that hard disk on other
> systems. Most of the systems are either Pentium 4 or Core Duo
> processor based and are capable of running the same kernel (i686) The
> minor problems being faced include difference in network card drivers
> requiring reconfiguration . However in certain cases, though we are
> able to successfully boot Fedora 9 on a system using a cloned hard
> disk but if the same hard disk is moved to another system having a
> different motherboard, the system boot process comes to a halt after a
> few steps as it is not able to locate the file systems on the hard
> disk. The GRUB screen is displayed indicating that the MBR is being
> read properly. Can there be a likelihood of the disk geometry being
> interpreted in different manner leading to non recognition of
> filesystems ? I would appreciate any tips or suggestions.
What is more likely is that the motherboard is using a different
hard drive controller. The new controller requires a different
module from the original one. So you have to build a new initrd for
that system. This was covered in detail on the list a while back.

Depending on the other hardware, you may have to run kudzu, or you
may have to delete some or all of the
/etc/udev/rules.d/??-persistent*.rules files.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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