Is there any simple way of checking that a Fedora system
is properly set up?
I am thinking of something like "rpm -V" but on a system-wide basis?

I have a very old computer - which I very rarely access directly,
I use it essentially as a file server, and nomally access it remotely -
which looked rather curious when I did access it directly yesterday.
There was no panel, though this appeared after a few seconds
when I gave the command "plasma" after Alt-F2.

I also tried removing .kde/ which seemed to improve matters temporarily.

I used preupgrade to upgrade this computer from Fedora-8 to Fedora-10,
and have the feeling that this might not give a completely kosher system.

So really, what I am asking is if there is any program one can run
to highlight incomplete or inaccurate applications in the current OS?

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