On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 11:04 +0000, Patrick Dupre wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 02:36 +0000, Patrick Dupre wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 02:19 +0000, Patrick Dupre wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 01:00 +0000, Patrick Dupre wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, Panu Matilainen wrote:

On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Patrick Dupre wrote:


For a reason that I ignore my database is totallt mess up.
rpm --rebuilddb only rebuild iy partially.
The packages are installed, but rpm --rebuilddb does not see them.
How can I recover them without resintalling them manually ?

Find the latest intact /var/log/rpmpkgs* file (ie one that got generated
before the db got corrupted, file size should be a good indicator) and copy
it somewhere safe, say /root/rpmpkgs.backup. Now you should be able to make
fairly good recovery with something like:

# mv /var/lib/rpm /var/lib/rpm.busted
# mkdir /var/tmp/download; cd /var/tmp/download
# yumdownloader `sed -e "s/.rpm$//g" /root/rpmpkgs.backup`
# rpm -Uvh --notriggers --noscripts --justdb *.rpm

The question of course is, what got the database corrupted to begin with.
Did anything out of the ordinary happen at that time, like /var getting full?
Segfaults logged in /var/log/messages*? What filesystem is /var on?

        - Panu -
It just end up with disk full !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have to fix that - there's no way you can have a working software
package system with a full disk - it just gets corrupted.

Of course, I did it !!!!!!
maybe you don't have enough space yet...

what's output of...

df -h

/dev/sdc5             2.9G  1.8G  961M  66% /
/dev/mapper/VG1-usr   6.9G  4.1G  2.5G  63% /usr
                       6.0G  2.0G  3.7G  35% /usr/lib
                       5.0G  1.8G  3.0G  38% /usr/local
                       5.0G  1.4G  3.4G  29% /usr/src
/dev/mapper/VG1-tmp   2.0G  263M  1.7G  14% /tmp
/dev/mapper/VG1-home  8.9G  4.9G  3.6G  58% /home
OK - small hard drive is killing you but if this doesn't work...

rm -fr /var/lib/rpm/__*
rpm --rebuilddb

then your only hope for fixing this would be to follow the instructions

OK, but /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdb_sta is not part of rpm for fedora !
indeed - they seem to have removed the db4 utilities from rpmdb

Rpm in F10 no longer uses an internal copy of db4 so this isn't practical to do anymore.

even worse, I installed db4-utils package and ran...

# cd /var/lib/rpm
# db_dump Packages
db_dump: Program version 4.7 doesn't match environment version 4.5
db_dump: DB_ENV->open: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version

which means that I can't use db4-utils to do anything with rpmdb on
Fedora 10

Use the db45_foo variants instead, eg db45_dump

        - Panu -

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