On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Robert L Cochran <cochr...@speakeasy.net> wrote:
> Nuts and Volts did a photo of the workshop of a highly skilled electronics
> hobbyist who gets all his stuff from junk piles, then fixes and reuses the
> items. That is my nature too. It must come from my grandfather. When his
> sawmill needed a replacement engine, he got one out of a junkyard,
> refurbished it, and set it to work. It ran beautifully for years to his
> considerable profit. If you pay little and sell dear, you can't help but
> profit.
> Fix it, if possible.
> Bob

I have a friend who is pretty gifted when it comes to doing manual,
mechanical work. It does take some skill and some individuals just have it.


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