On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Robert
Nichols<rnicholsnos...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Running preupgrade in F10, all packages are downloaded successfully, and I
> click
> on the "Reboot now" button.  When the system reboots, I select the "Upgrade
> to
> Fedora 11 (Leonidas)" entry from the GRUB menu and get an immediate "Error
> 15:
> File not found" failure from GRUB.

I don't have an answer, but I'd like to comment on the F10->F11 preupgrade.

When preupgrade finds everything perfectly aligned, it works nicely.
But if something is not right, it has the potential to be a nightmare.

I was testing the preupgrade in a Windows/F10 dual boot setup. The
F10 had LVMs for /var and /usr in it. Preupgrade downloaded all
required files and I rebooted. Somewhere along the process it said
that I did not have enough space in /var; so I went back and increased
the size of the LV for /var and rebooted, then once again it said I did not
have enough space in the LV for /usr so I went back to increase the
size of the LV for /usr and rebooted... at this point it
got messed up complaining about a keyboard related module; so to
be fair I'll say that maybe something went wrong with resizing the LVs.
I almost gave up and thought of installing F11 directly.
But, I was stubborn so I went back and re-setup the Win/F10 dual boot
with a bigger VG with enough space for /var and /usr and it went
without a hitch.

So I pondered: (a) pregupgrade downloaded packages according to
what I already had installed in my F10 setup, so (b) why not check that
there's is enough disk space available *before* rebooting to start the
process? or (c) is there a problem with such checks when key filesystems
are in a Volume Group? I have no answers to any of my questions.

My memory fails me now, but I don't remember seeing any kind of log during
preupgrade as when one does a regular installs (ALT-F3 and such).
A log would be most helpful for errors such as your "File not found" error.

I think this preupgrade business must be handled with care.

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