On Sat, 11 Jul 2009 16:21:35 +0100
Steve Searle <st...@stevesearle.com> wrote:

> I am getting the following on one of my Fedora boxes.  Has anyone any
> ideas how to tackle it.  I have reinstalled prelink.
> /etc/cron.daily/prelink:
> /etc/cron.daily/prelink: line 47:   594 Segmentation
> fault      /usr/sbin/prelink -av $PRELINK_OPTS
> >> /var/log/prelink/prelink.log 2>&1
> Steve
F11 x86_64

I had never looked in detail at prelink operation before.  I looked at
the script in /etc/cron.daily and line 47 is after everything has been
resolved and it is running the prelink.

I then looked at /var/log/prelink/prelink.log and there were *lots* of
executables that couldn't be prelinked because libraries they used
couldn't be prelinked.  At the top of the file was the actual command
that was run (line 46 in the cron.daily script puts it in the log).
Look at the end to see if prelink wrote any pertinent information about
what it was doing when the seg fault happened.  It seems unlikely but
worth a shot.

Then I would suggest, as root, run 
strace (the command at the top of the log file)  | less    
When it hits the executable it is trying to prelink that causes the
segmentation fault, you will know which executable it is and the
library it is trying to link.  This will probably take a long time and
there will be lots of output as most prelinks will probably succeed.

That should enable you to open a bugzilla against prelink.  Or remove
the package with the executable that is causing the problem and try
again.  No error, you have your culprit.

At least this should enable you to take the next step in resolving the

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