On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:19:37 -0700
Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have a rather odd problem. Whenever I login one of the applets in
> my panel fails, and tries to start over and over again. Sometimes I
> need to logout and log back in again to get it right. Usually it is
> the xfapplet. I am using the gnome clock-applet with xfapplet, so
> that also has this behaviour.


> I am asking is, where do I look? And could there be any other 
> possibilities that could cause this? Am I trying to troubleshoot this
> in the right way?

This is upstream Xfce bug: 


So, you are not alone! ;) 

I would suggest adding additional info if you can gather it for that
bug. They have so far been unable to isolate the bug. ;( 
If you would rather not register for another bugzilla to add to that
bug, feel free to email me directly your info and I can add it for you. 

> Thanks for any suggestions.
> PS: I am on F11 x86_64


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