G.Wolfe Woodbury wrote:
> On 08/09/2009 04:17 AM, Alan Evans wrote:
>> I'm still confused about how anaconda can possibly mount a partition
>> (two, including the boot partition) when fdisk thinks the partition
>> table is invalid.
> The kernel is capable of dealing with HFS (Apple) partitions!
> I suspect that you failed to zero the MBR before moving the drive from
> the Mac to the Linux box.  If you use the hfsutils or hfsplus-tools
> package you'll get a set of tools that can "see" the partitions for that
> drive. Thes tools are not installed by default. ("yum info *hfs*")
> Good luck.
I wounder if LILO would work? It doesn't under file systems at all.
But I am not sure if the scripts run when you update the kernel work
with LILO.

Then again, the BIOS may refuse to boot if it does not find a DOS
partition table. I could be way off base, but I suspect that the
installer saw a MAC formated disk, and acted like it was installing
on an iMAC.

Before blowing away the install, it would be interesting to see if
parted could salvage things. If nothing else, you could copy down
the start/end of the partition, create a DOS partition table, and
then use the numbers to re-create the partition. Just make sure you
do not let parted format the new file system.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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