On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 12:48:17 -0700
Mike Wright <mike.wri...@mailinator.com> wrote:

> The database is clean, no dupes, it verifies, and I'm stumped.

If you have yum-utils installed, if you haven't already done so,
you can run the command

package-cleanup --problems

If this shows no problems, as seems likely from your comment above, run 


It will look for transactions that didn't finish and try to complete
them.  PackageKit actually uses yum under the covers, so it should find
any from packagekit also.

If that doesn't work, why not try another update?  I don't recommend
"yum clean all" in this case as that will remove all the packages
you've already downloaded at such cost.  Cleaning the metadata ensures
that you get new repo data.

yum clean metadata
yum update

This should work because yum doesn't actually update any packages until
all the packages are downloaded and it has run a transaction test.

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