Robert L Cochran wrote:
> Here in the USA, I do not need to be ashamed for having a different view
> and a different way of doing things. I can have my own beliefs and
> practices.
I'm from Milwaukee - I know something about the US. You can have
your own beliefs. But you are constrained in your practices by what
the community tolerates.

> When you resort to threats of no help to me unless I toe the line you
> dictate to me, you illustrate what I'm getting at.
Not a threat - I have no obligation to help anyone on the list. I am
much more likely to help someone that is polite. That is MY choice.
I only help on problems that interest me. If someone can be bothered
to follow list guidelines, that person just lost my interest.

By beliefs is that if someone does not care enough about following
the list guidelines when asking for help, they they are not worth
helping. Are telling me I can not follow my beliefs?

> It takes people with many different views to make a good product. If I
> banned everyone from my workplace who doesn't think as I do, then I'd be
> standing in the building alone. With nothing to show for it.
I guess you have never seen a "No shoes, no shirt, no service."
sign, or don't believe you have to follow that type of sign. There
are plenty of companies that will refuse to do business with you if
you don't want to conform to expected behavior. This has almost
nothing to do with your beliefs, and everything to do polite
behavior. (Some people believe that helping someone that is not even
related to them is foolish. Being polite is an even worse offense.)

On that point, welcome to my kill file.


A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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