
> > I'm as far from a geek as anybody can be, but I certainly appreciate that
> > Fedora chose me.    
> Using Fedora I've never looked back, it just works.

I must say, having been with RedHat since pre version 1 (go
bootstrapping!), I've seen many ups and downs in the stability and speed
of various releases.

Sure, I've tried other distros (Slackware rocks IMHO for really old
machines, Mandrake [as was] blew chunks no matter what I did), but my
machines are [now] Fedora.

For me, it's the only one to use - albeit rawhide has had it's
moments... like at one point if yum died during the update due to the
machine locking, the next boot would render an almost useless box...

I giggle when I hear people shouting about OS X - to me it's BSD with a
funky front end. When I show those using Aero under Vista that we've had
it for ages and it will run on a 512Mb memory laptop with a 1.3GHz
processor they stand amazed.

In short, I love linux and more over, love RH/Fedora which is why I'm
always happy to spread the word and help whenever I can :-)



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