On Sun, 4 Oct 2009 16:25:37 +0000 (GMT)
Globe Trotter <itsme_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to install the 64-bit version of the XFCE spin
> from the live install on my shiny new Dell Precision using the T7700
> processor (dual quad-core, 16GB RAM) and have been running into one
> strange problem.
> The LiveCD cranks up, and after numerous statements on sector errors,
> comes up seemingly fine. However it freezes when I click (or hit
> return) on Automatic Login. 
> My first thoughts on the CD being bad are negated perhaps(?) by the
> fact that the CD boots and installs fine (without any apparent) hitch
> on another 64-bit Thinkpad T-61 (dual-core 4GB RAM). Any suggestions
> on how to figure out what is going on? How can I get around this
> freeze of LiveCD install problem?

What video card do you have in the problem machine? 

Try the section for your video card from: 


and see if any of those help?

I wonder if it could be the cd reader on that machine as well? 
Do you have a usb key? You could put the live on the usb and boot from
it if so to rule that out. 


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