On Fri, 9 Oct 2009 06:19:53 -0700 (PDT)
Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Or - you can make your own Fedora re-mix iso using mock/pungi, and
> thereby get a new DVD which will install with the latest RPMs current
> at the time the re-mix was made.  Another advantage is that you can
> make the personalised DVD iso without all the additional language
> support thereby reducing the iso from around 3.7GiB to around 2.5Gib
> - then the install on other machines would be even quicker and
> updates after install likely to be pretty quick and not need much
> bandwidth.  Of course you need to spend the time making the remix iso
> - but once done it saves a lot on installs on the other machines.
> I have a "recipe" for running mock/pungi if there is interest ...

Sure, I would like to see the recipe.  I tried making such a thing and
failed miserably.  It was like I was reading an instruction book where
pages were missing. :-)

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