On 10/28/2009 01:47 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 11:39:01 -0400,
   Todd Zullinger<t...@pobox.com>  wrote:

When disk costs fractions of pennies, is that amount of space even a
concern?  I've had my thumbnails dir grow over several GB before,
after moving my photos to new locations.  sing the thumbnails are
stored based on the md5 of the path to the image, I ended up
duplicating a lot of thumbnails.

Backed up storage isn't nearly as cheap as throw away storage. Disk bandwidth
has not been keeping up with disk size. It isn't getting cheaper to back up
disk space at nearly the rate that plain disk space has.

Use gconf-editor to set:

in days

in MB

The default is 180 days and 512 MB. However, fspot overwrites these default to much larger values if present.

This is a feature of gnome-settings-daemon (the "housekeeping" plugin). The purge should occur a few minutes after each log-on.

- Mike

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