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Le 05/12/2009 17:18, Steven Stern a écrit :
> On 12/05/2009 04:27 AM, François Patte wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> I would like to list the hardware manufacturers for some hardware
>> installed on my computer (namely: cd drives and ram).
>> lspci does not give info about these hw.
>> lshw, does not give the manufacturer
>> dmidecode does not give the manufacturer
>> Is there a tool which is able to do that, or a file in /etc (or elsewhere)?
>> Thanks for attention.
> smoltSendProfile
> Select (V) after it starts up to view the hardware list.  You can then
> continue on to upload it to the database.

OK, but there are no information displayed on CD/DVD drives nor on RAM.
I cannot see differences between this and lspci -vv

I could read information on CD drives thanks to Mikkel post, using
hdparm -i /dev/sr0

I don't know how to find manufaturer, model and specifity info about the
RAM, I can only know the amount of memory in each slot, using lshw.

I don't want to open my machine... Is there any way to know these info,
from a command?

Thanks for attention.
- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 4286 2145
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