Chris writes:

After running 12 for some weeks now, I allowed yum to install the newest kernel (well, as of Friday of course). all seemed to go just fine until I rebooted. All the machine will do is continue to reboot itself over and over again.
I reinstalled and applied only updates other then 3 that were particular to the 
new kernel and all went well there. Rebooted just fine.

I thought - why not try the remaining 3 and lets see if for some reason the 
others might be causing this effect.

That didn't seem to help - again, after allowing yum to install the new kernel, 
it sent the machine into reboot hell.

The box is only a few years (3) old, it's a Sony Vaio desktop. It's running 
sata, there is a /boot part of some 200 meg (only 23% full) and the rest of the 
400 gig drive is LVM

Currently, I tossed on Ubuntu just so I can get some work done however, would 
really prefer to be back running F12.

Any help/ideas would be great.

Some time ago, in F9-F10 era, there was a consecutive series of about four kernels that were released that could not boot on one of my machines. Somehow, I managed to survive this traumatic experience without installing a completely different distribution. I waved a magic wand, and continued to boot the last working kernel, until a new one came out that worked on my hardware once more.

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