On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:19:33 -0500
fred smith <fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us> wrote:

> Hi gang!
> I've got F12 (gnome) on my 901, but now that the LXDE spin has been
> reissued I thought I'd try the live-cd-on-a-usb-stick method to see
> how I like it.


> how does booting a live-cd-on-a-usb-stick actually work? How is it 
> SUPPOSED to work? I've got 2 or more gigs of "persistence" here, so it
> should be possible to install a kernel and have it boot. but I can't
> figure it out.
> clues appreciated. TIA.

You cannot replace the kernel or base items like that using the
persistence on the live usb. Sorry. You will need to install, upgrade
your kernel and then install the modules you want. 

BTW, your subject line is a bit misleading here... I see no mention of
Xfce. ;) 


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