I spent quite a bit of time attempting a few basic tasks plus attempting
an install using the F-11 Live Beta with the Orca screen reader.

It's much improved over F-10. Congrats!

*       Default volume level is good--it was way too low with F-10.

*       The logout and relogin after setting up Orca now works
*       correctly. With F-10 you had to wait "forever" to have
*       reasonable certainty that GNOME was restarted, then launch ORCA
*       again via Alt+F2. Now it just starts, which is as it should be.

Problem Areas

*       It would be preferable to use gnome-speech-espeak as the default
*       Orca driver for several reasons:
        -- Espeak is more responsive and that's a big deal with a screen
reader. Low latency, quick "shutup," etc., are far more important to
screen reading than high quality speech synthesis.

        -- Festival is a particularly bad choice in the "shutup"
department. It will keep speaking until it has finished the string it
was given to say, whatever the user does. This makes for very sluggish
handling. The user must wait for the computer to finish speaking, with
no ability to stop speech and move on. This has things the wrong way
round as computers should wait on people, not people on computers.

*       My attempt to install F-11 from the Live desktop icon failed.
*       All I could glean is that Orca had the installation screen
*       listed as "inaccessible." This is on an x86_64 box using x86_64
*       Live. It may not be there in i386.

        I wqould like to help debug this, but not sure how to proceed.



Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility       jan...@a11y.org 
Linux Foundation                http://a11y.org

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