On 05/11/09 02:09, Marc Herbert wrote:
> don fong a écrit :
>> question: how can i boot the livecd distro from a
>> hard disk partition, hopefully with the persistent
>> option?
> I assume you absolutely want to boot a "real" machine. This is too bad
> because the easiest way from far to boot a ISO image is to use a
> virtual machine using VirtualBox, qemu, etc.

Marc, thanks for your response.

yes, this is a real machine not virtual.

>> i have found a lot of pages
>> describing how to do this with a USB stick,
> Could you please post here the "best" URL you found?

i'm afraid i am not expert enough to judge which is best.
there were so many it made my head spin.

> 1. Extract all the ISO image content to the root of
> somediskpartition. That is, just loopback-mount the image and copy all the
> content.
> 2. "Convert" some cherry-picked content of "isolinux/isolinux.cfg" to
> your GRUB configuration (in /boot/grub/menu.lst).
> That's all.

i followed your directions and was able to boot the distro.

now, i would like to get the persistence feature working,
again to the hard disk.  again, all the stuff i've found
on the web is about how to do it with a USB stick, or
says it can be done with a hard disk but doesn't give enough
detail for my needs.

any thoughts on this?

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