In our local LUG we have been brewing a custom distro based upon
Fedora and Omega linux distributions. We also added a lot of
applications from many categories; like gps, astronomy, office and
multimedia software.

What makes it apart from distributions that it is based upon are these points:
# Much more pre-installed software
# Latest updated packages
# Bonus (proprietary) software (Skype, Flash…)
# Support for broadcom wireless chipset (via firmware)
# Multiple desktop environments: Gnome, KDE, Enlightenment, LXDE…

Why did we make this distribution? Because there are just too many
things missing by default in current Fedora. Due to laws in US and
because the software in question isn’t licenced under open source
licence Fedora can’t provide things like skype and flash that most of
users are just too depended upon and can’t work without them.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome, tell us what we are doing
wrong and how to make this distro better.

linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

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