Thanks a lot for having accepted us in the Felix Community.
I feel this is a great opportunity for us to better understand
all the OSGi related issues and a great stimulus to improve
our work.

I'm just leaving for a short holiday, next week with Stefano and Matteo we'll do the needed actions regarding the CLAs.

Looking forward to having a very fruitful cooperation with all of you


Alex Karasulu wrote:
Alex Karasulu wrote:

I think we've given enough room for discussion about this now its time for us to take a vote. Unlike for example the HttpService I think this one required further investigation. By further investigation I mean it was my first encounter with it so I had some reading to do.

It's been well over 72 hrs.  Time to close it up.

Here are the +1 votes.  There were no other votes cast.

Timothy Bennett
Richard Hall
Alex Karasulu
Enrique Rodriguez
Sylvain Wallez

Let's get the ball rolling with a software grant for Domoware and the appropriate CLAs. After confirmation of reciept by the secretary we can get accounts created for the 3 new Domoware committers:

Francesco Furfari
Stefano Lenzi
Matteo Demuru


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