Hi Nina,

> Tessa sounds like a darling.  I know it's tough to keep them separated,
> but you'll feel better about
> making sure you've taken the necessary precautions.  

Oh, we're definitely keeping them seperate until the vaccine kicks in,
I was mostly wondering if it was safe after that, cause I'm hoping
Tessa lives a very long time, and am not looking forward to keeping
her in the one room all that time. :-)

> I'm not quite clear on what the seclusion arrangements are at your
> house.  Does Midnight have the run of the house, except your daughter's
> room, or is she sequestered in another room as well? 

No, Midnight has the run of the house except OUR room.  She generally
prefers my daughter's room (and the kitchen), so I didn't think it
would be a problem, but apparently she doesn't like the closed door
and has decided that she has to be in our room. (Until Tess came, she
never bothered with our room, as long as my daughter wasn't in there.)

> your daughter belongs to Midnight

:-) Good way of putting it, lol!

> It might help to install a screen door in the bedroom where
> you have Tess confined.  That way she won't feel so isolated and
> Midnight can see what's going on.  

:-) Midnight is infamous for her hatred of screens - she destroys them
regularly.  We have to watch her constantly when windows are open in
our house, or she scratches her way outside.  Good thought, though.

> Why was Midnight running a temp when you took her to be tested and
> vaccinated?  What was her temp?  Does she have any other symptoms of
> illness?

I don't know, the vet said it was slight, and I think they wanted to
make sure she hadn't caught Tessa's cold before they vaccinated her? 
She hasn't had any other symptoms, but she sneezed once at the vet,
and with the slightly elevated temp they wanted to make sure she
wasn't sick before they gave the shot, I guess? She's been fine,
> Vita C is good to add as an immune booster.  I also add L-Lysine,
> occasionally Co-Q10, and if someone isn't feeling well, I'll add
> Transfer Factor to their food.  The interferon that your vet is talking
> about, (sounds like a good vet by the way!), is Interferon A, or human
> interferon.  There is also something called Feline Interferon Omega,
> that a couple of us on the list have tried.  More about that later, if
> you're interested.
Just the human versions of the supplements? Or is there somewhere to
get cat versions?  How much of each?

Thanks so much for all your input!
Jenn K

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