Marlene, I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Digby and sending healing thoughts his way. Having been through similar trauma (sadly, like most on the list) I doubt very much that you and your husband "missed something" -- in my experience a FeLV kitty can seem fine one minute and then show what turn out to be very serious symptoms the next. I believe that you will know if and when the time comes. I know it can be upsetting to see him stressed by your hand-feeding him, but at least it means you're able to get food inside him. It sounds like he's eating it (and not rejecting it)? (I can only speak for myself, and I have much less experience that others here, but I figured Caramel was sending me a strong mesage when he would no longer accept the food I was hand-feeding him.)
Praying that Digby rebounds -- I'm glad he's in such loving, caring hands, with you and your husband.
take care, and please keep us posted when you have time, Kerry
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: I Think I'm Losing Digby .....

Hi Group,
    Can't think too clearly at the moment, but I think we're going to lose Digby.  Having to syringe feed him now and give Doxycycline.  Blood work (according to the vet lab) seems to be indicating something going on in the bone marrow, may/may not be Hemobart.  They also say there's a secondary infection but no indication as to where/what it is (at this point).  Our vet clinic ran a urine sample today but it was O.K., so not a kidney/bladder infection.  We've been told it could be anything from an abscess somewhere to a tumour, to I really can't remember what all.  Vet today (not his regular vet) said that if he won't eat, they could put a feeding tube in his mouth (doesn't require anesthetic) and get food in.  We're trying our very best to syringe feed him A/D, but it sometimes upsets me to see him stressed when I do it.  Also syringing some water into him.  He can still get around (to litter box), but other than that, he just prefers to be by himself (in his "safe place").  My husband and I find ourselves thinking - are we doing the right/best thing for him already at this point? When is enough enough, and will we know it?  We knew when enough was enough last year with our "Casper" (CRF), but FelV is a whole new thing for us, and I guess we're already beating ourselves up over it wondering if we missed something, weren't observant enough, or what?  Sorry to "babble" but this is already starting to take a toll on my husband and I.  Just needed to talk about it.

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