Hi everyone
A co-worker, Nancy (I'm not met her physically; a mutual friend put her in
touch with me), is grief-stricken since losing her cat Georgie. He was
originally a stray who found her.
Last night I gathered a bunch of your emails from the period when Gloria's
Sam went missing from his foster home and sent them to her in hopes she'd
get some more ideas on finding him. (Thanks all!)
Can everyone please send positive vibes for Georgie to come home safe and
sound please.
I've attached Nancy's email below---she sounds a truly dedicated cat
"mom"--she'd fit right into this group!
Thanks everyone!

Nancy's email re Georgie:
Just wanted all of you to know, we lost our baby Georgie this weekend. He is
a 2 1/2 year old orange tabby. For anyone who is a cat-lover and has had an
orange tabby, they can attest to the friendly, loving nature they have. Of
course, he was named "Georgie" because of his curious nature. Below are some
of the details I wanted to share. For anyone who lives close to us, please
excuse all the flyers every half-block...obviously this little boy is very
loved and missed! All the eyes and ears we have looking for him, the better
off we are.

Saturday morning around 10:00 a.m. we were getting ready to go to Michigan.
We had made plans to stop and visit our old neighbors and we were going to
Vetician Night in Saugutck. We were 5 minutes away from leaving. I was in
the back watering our garden and my husband was putting a cooler together.
As he was walking out the door our 15-year old wanted to go on the porch so
he opened the door. What he didn't see was the orange bullet came with him!
He dropped the cooler and the shock of seeing him on the porch must have
freaked the cat out. I heard yelling in the back and came running. As I was
running around the corner, I saw my GEORGIE dart below me and go to the
bushes (as if he was scared). I freaked out and started to have a panic
attack screaming "MY GEORGIE!". He ran back and my husband almost cornered
him around one our bushes (he could have jumped over them but he didnt). We
both went around the front of the house where my 15-year is still on the
porch and the orange bullet took off. My husband had a general direction he
went in and POOF he's gone, no one anywhere has seen him! We have walked the
neighborhood hundreds of times, drove around another hundred, posted flyers,
talked to everyone --we have meet people and neighbors we had that we never
meet before. We have townhomes about 4 blocks to the north on both sides and
we have focused there because it is open from our back yard. We also have
apts. to the west and we have driven and walked that as many times. We have
gone to the local shelters so they are aware. I came out balling. People
were giving up animals. All I want is to find my 1 cat...I WOULD NEVER GIVE

This cat is especially close to me. He would follow me everywhere and we had
a very special bond. We found him 2 weeks after my dad died and felt that in
some way he was my dad...which gave me peace and love at a very hard time.
Now that he is gone, I feel that I am not only mourning him, but my dad all
over. I just pray that he is safe and can somehow find his way home to use.
We feel someone may have him -- will they do the right thing and try to find
his owner?? At the end of our flyers we have the line "Please help us bring
our Georgie home!" People tell us "don't worry he will find his way home".
He has never been outdoors and won't know the trail to get home. The only
good thing is our 15-year old's scent is all around the house outside (and
we have catnip..what cat wouldn't want to come back!). We are right off
several busy streets which is very concerning. No one anywhere has seen him
and it is almost as if he just vanished. Being the people of "things happen
for a reason" we believe it could be a message from my dad: "Georgie was
borrowed to me to help me get through a very painful time (i.e., my dad came
to look over me) and he now knows that I am stronger and had to leave".. Sad
isn't it???

We cancelled all our weekend plans and are trying to stick close to home in
case we get a glimpse of him somewhere.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. (Sound silly to ask you to pray
about something like this but we need the support up there!)

Georgie's Mom

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