
What do you say to someone who's heart is broken? 
This may sound a little odd, but I remember this poem
from when I tried out for drill team in high school
and didn't make it.  I know you are no longer a child,
but you are a child of God.  


Lord, you have taught me to accept defeat 
To taste the bitter when I sought the sweet 
Knowing the longest night brings hopeful dawn, 
I gather up the pieces and go on. 

Now, let your Spirit tell me how to treat 
A child whose dreams lie broken at her feet; 
How to share the hard-earned wisdom and the calm, 
The confidence, to be her sore heart's balm? 

She's tender, Lord, Her hurts hurt more than mine. 
She's young, and thinks the sun will never shine. 
Just yesterday, she laughed, and walked in clover... 
Teach her tomorrow is for starting over. 
-- Author: Helene Lewis Coffer 

Julie, I hope you find some comfort from the words
that everyone has written.  It's wonderful that you
were able to be with Mandy when she passed; I know she
wasn't as scared because you were there.  That is my
one wish for Cricket if he doesn't make it.  I don't
want him to be alone.  

You will get through this Julie.

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