
I'm glad you found this site.  It has been a God-send
for me in the past week while my cat Cricket is sick. 
Cricket is doing much like your Jazzy; lying in our
bedroom in a corner behind a plant.  I think they may
be twins the way you describe Jazzy: fighting the
pills, purring softly, disinterested in food/water. 
I'm not ready to let Cricket go yet and since he has
been up and down for the past ten+ days, I am still
holding out hope.  I know you've probably read the
posts on ImmunoRegulin.  I will let you know asap how
Cricket fares with the injections.  His hemocrit is
horribly low.  The post before mine about seeing a
specialist might help you put your mind at ease.  At
least you'll know exactly what your treatment options
are for Jazzy.  I'm weighing a blood transfusion right
now, but it's so expensive and may only prolong his
life a little.  It's horrible when someone you love
wastes away in front of your eyes.  Cricket has been a
source of my laughter for the past 4 and a half years.
 He is a unique cat.  He likes riding in the car and
getting into the shower with me.  Maybe he thinks he's
a dog.  lol.  I understand your heartache and am
sending prayers and peace to Jazzy and you.  


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