
Thank you for the beautiful story about Bramble.  My
heart was in my throat as I read his story.  One of
the reasons I am so frustrated and stressed is that I
don't think Cricket understands what is happening.  I
took him to get another IV shot of ImmunoRegulin
yesterday and he must have been feeling better because
he screamed like a wild banshee.  I felt HORRIBLE
because I knew he was upset with me because he doesn't
understand that what I'm doing is trying to help. 
Maybe an animal communicator is just what I need to
take part of this stress away from both of us.

Thanks again,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Wendy
> I don't know if you were a member when I had Bramble
> so apologies if you  
> heard this already and to those who have already
> heard this story as many of you  
> have.
> I had never really attempted animal communication
> before either but decided  
> to try following advice from people here when I hit
> a dilema with Bramble. I  
> only had him 6 months in total from the sanctuary -
> he was FIV and already 
> sick  when I took him in.
> He had many problems including calicivirus, dental
> probs, skin probs,  
> keratitis etc... I gave all 3 of my cats revolution
> for flea prevention - here  in 
> UK there was no warning on packaging against giving
> it to cats with  diseases 
> or underweight cats. Bramble went into quite nasty
> seizures for a  couple of 
> days after I put the revolution on him and at first
> I was assured it  was FIV in 
> his CNS and to put him to sleep. Something was
> telling me this was  wrong and 
> people here gave me info and experiences in relation
>  to reactions from flea 
> meds - so I held out and his seizures got less 
> severe. There's no doubt he 
> had CNS probs from FIV related illness but  the
> revolution just massively 
> exacerbated it and then he returned  to his normal
> levels of seizure activity 
> afterwards. He did well for  another couple of
> months. 
> During this time I was told by people here about
> communicating with animals  
> and decided to try. I explained to Bramble how much
> I loved him and wanted to  
> help him and that I'd miss him if he wasn't here.
> But I told him that I 
> didn't  want him to be in pain and if he had had
> enough and wanted to let go then 
> it was  ok for him to do that and I'd be here with
> him. I told him that he 
> could leave  his body and his spirit could stay here
> and that he could be here  or 
> come to me whenever he wanted. I also told him to
> let me know  in some way if 
> he felt he needed help and explained to him what
> would happen  with euth
> anasia. Bramble got very restless and upset and
> walked away from me in  a sulk and 
> giving me definite unhappy signals. I took this to
> mean he  wasn't ready and 
> he calmed down when I acknowledged this and told him
> it was ok  and I was happy 
> to keep fighting with him. At this point I was so
> confused and  prayed each 
> night for a sign that I was doing the right thing.
> One night the  face of my 
> angel tidge (last FIV cat) appeared in a dream and a
> voice  saying keep going. 
> Bramble improved with good vet and my care for
> another 2  months.
> Unfortunately he ended up getting another bout of
> calici which he didn't  
> shake off with Virbagen Omega and he entered into
> acute kidney failure. He  
> stopped eating and I was having to assist feed
> hoping it would make him eat  again 
> but it didn't - he just got stressed and was trying
> to hide. I knew in my  
> heart he was giving up so I brought him out from
> hiding and did the whole talk  
> with him again as I did before. This time he just
> lay on me purring as I  
> talked to him and when I told him I'd help him if he
> needed me to he  moved his paw 
> up and gave me a gentle squeeze and it was as if he
> was saying  "yes I've had 
> enough now" and he was the most comfortable he'd
> been all week. I  made the 
> appointment and he was put to sleep that day.That
> last hour  of having him 
> content with his paw on my shoulder was  priceless.
> Although it hurts so much 
> anytime you have to lose your babies  it was
> probably the only one true time that 
> I didn't feel guilty about putting  to sleep. I
> never pts unless I know it's 
> the right thing to do but there is  still usually
> some feeling of guilt and the 
> what if's in me. This was  certainly the right time
> and I was happy that 
> everything had been done for him  in the time I had
> him. Whereas if I'd put to 
> sleep the 2 months prior to  that it would have left
> me riddled with guilt 
> because Bramble wasn't  ready to go.
> I would not have believed the power of that
> communication had I not been  
> through it with Bramble. Still hurts and I still cry
> as I write about it even  
> now because I can still feel his little squeeze but
> I can honestly say I had  
> never experienced communication with an animal like
> I did with Bramble - I got  
> that because I opened my mind to it - now I'm
> converted - and it got me 2 more 
>  precious months with my angel boy..
> Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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