FYI:  I just looked up the sex offender database for
Texas ( to see if
there was anyone living in our neighborhood.  I didn't
think there would be because one of my good friends
sent the link to me in an email and I checked in late
September.  But I just checked again just in case and
there is a new guy there who raped a 9 year old girl
in 1989 and got a 10 year sentence and was paroled
out.  He was also convicted of attempted murder at the
same time.  Doesn't look good.  I am not one to judge
someone, especially someone I don't know, and I don't
know the details of this case, because sometimes
people do get accused and the accusation is suspicious
to begin with.  And everything I've read tells me that
sex offenders statistically are not successful at
rehabilitation.  But this gives me the heebie jeebies.
 I feel I have the responsibility to let my neighbors
know, but feel some guilt because I don't even know
the guy and he did serve his time.  Everyone should
have a second chance if they screw up and honestly
repent.  I don't know if this is the case though.  So
I guess I am looking at notifing my neighbors asap
about this guy.  

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