Hey guys, 

Per Belinda's information and the website she sent me,
I am going to have a feeding tube inserted into
Cricket.  From the information I read and from the
vet, the procedure/tube is not very invasive or
bothersome to the cat and it might actually save
Cricket; I'm leaving work early to take him.  I am
having a hard time giving up on him.  I hope he makes
it through the anesthesia; if he doesn't, he was going
to be pts anyway, so we have nothing to lose.  Please
wish him luck and thank you all for your warm thoughts
and encouragement.  Thank you Belinda for the
information.  I really appreciate you sticking your
neck out there and offering advice that some might not
have welcomed.  You are right; Cricket hasn't been
getting enough sustenance and I didn't know feeding
tubes existed for cats.  So I will keep on trying to
turn him around as long as he will respond.  He is not
jaundiced yet, so if he has developed fatty liver
disease, we might be able to turn him around.  Thank
you Belinda.


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