Hey Sandy,

Glad to hear that Cotton's diarrhea has cleared up. 
Sounds like he's doing well, thank goodness.  I use
Miticide (I think that's the name of it) on my
kitties' ears if they get mites.  You can get it at
Walmart.  It's really gooey and smothers the mites.  I
don't know if the mites will go away on their own or

I am always very serious when I name my animals.  I
think that names are important.  I watched Cricket as
he was a kitten for several weeks before he got his
name.  He jumped on everything, and it dawned on me
one day that he looked like a Cricket.  He was black
like your Cricket and had a beautiful, shiny medium
length coat with a fluffy tail.  His fur was so soft. 
I will miss petting him.  He had gold eyes too, and
around his pupils, he had a really lime green color. 
I've never seen a cat with eyes that green color
before.  It kind of was the color on the Christmas
Cricket picture.  Thank you for your condolences on
Cricket.  We buried him last night and it was a nice
little service.  I read a little thing I had written. 
We buried him with a copy of it and with his feather
toy and with a little thing my nephew wrote on.  We
put a little marker on his grave.  I wish I could
remember where I've seen those kits where you can make
stuff out of some type of clay.  I'd like to make him
a little headstone.

I enjoyed reading about your baby Cricket.  Maybe
since you are in Houston, and I got my Cricket in
Houston, Cricket and Cricket have the same father. 
You never know.  I didn't know who the dad was; just
the mom.  These poor kitties.  All of them fatherless.

Good luck with the new vet.  If you talked with them
on the phone and got a good feeling for them, you
probably aren't far off the mark.  Let us know how the
visit goes.


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